People of Media: Kristi Dougherty | The Media Events Unicorn
What is this? I highlight people of media who have something valuable, or even transformative, to give to publishers.
Why am I doing this? The right person is a catalyst for exponential growth and change. Here’s one of those people.
I was looking for an “events genius.” Many of my publishers produce events, and some struggle to monetize fully. Some of our products lend themselves to events (Top Doctors, Best Workplaces, Book of Lists), and I was running into this issue enough that I knew I wanted someone in my Media Dream Team Network who was “1 in 1,000,000” when it comes to engineering media-associated events for engagement and financial success. I found Kristi, and was so impressed, I couldn’t help but give her a “People of Media” profile here.
I wanted someone in my Media Dream Team Network who was “1 in 1,000,000” when it comes to engineering media-associated events for engagement and financial success.
Kristi is the “Media Events Unicorn.” She’s had extensive experience of coming into organizations, both on a fractional, or project-by-project basis, and helping bring fledgling or struggling events to profitable success.
She’s had an amazing career bringing tenacity and results to niche media organizations, and even served as the VP Marketing and Programs for the NICHE Media Association. This translates to a full understanding of media organizations and their first party data assets as an undercurrent.
Connect with her on LinkedIn:
Kristi's Power Words: Tenacious, discerning, strategic, high-capacity, trustworthy, heavy-lifter.
Kristi's Superpower: Bringing significant order and progress by discerning the path, rallying teams to a plan, and driving plans towards completion.
Applications/Experience: Bringing order and results to media organizations, especially in the realm of successful event completion. She has the full power of a fractional COO, and the niche where she is most often called upon is bringing that C-level effectiveness and experience to end-to-end event strategy and execution (Chief Event Officer).
Hero Name: "The Media Events Unicorn"
The right person is the ultimate jackpot.
If you have events that are not reaching their potential, let me know! I’d love to make an introduction.
Remember: The highest leverage action you can take to improve your business is to lock arms with a person of genius and integrity in the narrow niche of your biggest problems.
The right person is the ultimate jackpot! Holler at me if you want to have a quick huddle.
I asked Kristi this question, so you could get a sense of her voice:
“What is the most important asset of the local/niche media publisher, and why?”
She gave two stellar answers:
Number 1:
A local or niche audience publisher's most important asset is their deep understanding of their location, topic and audience. Without that foundation, there is no business. And everything after the foundation is hiring, planning, timing and execution.
Number 2:
A local or niche topic publisher's most important asset is their audience data and knowledge of what that audience needs. This allows them to successfully and profitably introduce the right advertisers, products and ideas to that audience for further business growth -- for everyone.